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  3. Days Of The New
  4. Whimsical (Letra)

Whimsical (Letra)

Days Of The New

Days Of The New

Curso de Violão - Fórmula Violão

I can see the orange sky in front of me
I can see things you’ll never see
People say it’s all a dream
But i can say words you couldn’t speak

Is it me
Can you believe
You’ll never live the world i live
Is it me
It is only me
I can only live a world to live

Break away from you
Shattered beliefs
Detaching from my body
Desperate in grief
I have changed the world in front of me
One against all
I’m starving this world

Is it me
Do you want me
You think you can have me
Say you love me
You want me
I’m saving my money
‘cause i don’t pay to breathe

I’m not afraid to live/i’m not afraid to die
I can only give what i see inside
You can only take what i give of me
You can only win when i’m not afraid to lose

Subjected to you mother of nature/limited to the colour of your eyes
Drained by the one you call your lover/she don’t care if you live or die
Well i don’t have a problem/i evolved/sometimes there’s always problems

I stand above
